why can't they vote on something like taking a pair of tree branch lops and castrating the SOB's on the spot of arrest?
Let him bleed to death thru his favorite body part.
Its my HOPE that the Trump Presidency will be serious about removing illegals here and shutting down our borders.
We don't need any more of these migrant people.
I am a product of a Polish immigrant of my father's father's side who came from Poland thru Ellis Island.
HE married a native American woman who was of the Seneca tribe., Iroquois Nation. That is where my grandmother got her Indian high cheekbones and my dad got his completely HAIRLESS body.
That did not pass down to my brothers and me but my sister got the skin which turns almost black in sunlight.
Anyway, its time to get outta here all these perps and thugs and gang members and illegal invaders.
Come in the right way or don't come at all.