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last nights trip may be the last trip for that vehicle 

By: micro in GRITZ | Recommend this post (1)
Sun, 19 Jan 25 5:08 PM | 16 view(s)
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Msg. 02752 of 05162
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After talking with miz micro about the Tuscon SEL Plus suv after we get it back from the Dealership who should undoubtedly replace the lower engine block at the least and internals, I do not believe I am going to keep it a whole lot longer.

I am told the PCV valve was completely clogged also. I guess so with well over 4 quarts of oil being consumed and burnt.

Then there is the knocking noise coming from the lower engine block. I don't know what that contains but it don't sound good. The good news is Hyundai's 10 year, 100,000 mile power train warranty. An engine with only 34,000 miles on it, all interstate, and oil and filter changes every 5,000 miles should not do this.

I'll go over to the dealership Monday if the roads are passable because we are supposed to get nailed with snow and ice here soon.

Its too bad this engine did this because the vehicle is ONE accessory short of the very top of line Tuscon.

And I do not miss that one lonely accessory.

I have a lot of expense coming up to my home improvement project and so we'll balance that. The Sonata has been great since a a whole new engine long block replaced the factory original a couple years ago.

Hyundai had too tight of tolerances for the oil circulation in those blocks which caused the over heating and engine seizing.

Anyway, decisions are upcoming. Biggest question is do we want to keep a small SUV just for occasionally hauling some things or can I just get a car and use my son in law's pickup truck.

ONE things remains certain.

It is the LAST Hyundai I will own.. My Mitsubishi never gave me any trouble over 140,000 miles. Most dependable car I ever owned. For sure the suv will be gone at some point this year after I Assure miz micro we have plenty of money to do this with and will not be broke or destitute.

I have never seen anyone always so concerned about income and savings. She's just like her mother. lol!!

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