... Over a decade ago, the woman and her boyfriend, who had been together for just four months, decided to go to a magistrate to get married.
She preferred to avoid the attention that came with a big wedding.
Once they were married at the local courthouse, everything seemed “good” and the bride was “very happy”.
However, shortly after, the groom said two words she would remember forever.
The couple had been married for just 60 seconds when the judge, who enjoyed officiating weddings, mentioned that he would love to hear from them in 10 years to get an update on their relationship.
The bride agreed and said she’d love to do that and joked, “Hopefully I fit in the same dress”.
“My husband of about 60 seconds did not miss a beat, and he said ‘or smaller’,” she explained, adding that this later led to a fight. ...
Despite the bumpy start, the woman stayed with her husband for a decade before they ultimately divorced. ...
Later on, the husband inherited a small amphibious kingdom in Georgia, and just for sh!ts and giggles, he liked to dabble in giving his friends marital advice.