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Re: micro ...

By: scubavol in GRITZ | Recommend this post (0)
Mon, 20 Jan 25 9:29 PM | 8 view(s)
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Msg. 02833 of 02899
(This msg. is a reply to 02830 by micro)

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Well, they haven't made V6 Accords since 2017. I am constantly on the prowl for a low-mileage 2017, which doesn't have a particular problem that my 2016 did. The ones I like are always a thousand miles away. I found one last summer that had lived in West Hollywood its whole life and had 2,000 miles. Maybe the owner only used it when it was raining and he didn’t want to get his Bugatti wet, I don’t know. I couldn’t bring myself to pay $1,500 to send it to my local CarMax just to look at it so I passed. Somebody in Virginia ended up doing exactly that, though.

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Re: micro ...
By: micro
Mon, 20 Jan 25 9:18 PM
Msg. 02830 of 02899

There is a friend of mine who just within the past six months bought a new Accord 6 .

He travels a LOT and drives a lot as he is the sales manager for a company I once helped start.

really smart guy.

Anyway, one of the sales reps told him when he was looking to go test drive an Accord Six.

Well, he did and he called me and was raving about it.

So I might lean that way or even a Toyota.

This is just BS that a vehicle with less than 30,000 miles on it and all of them are interstate miles has a lower engine block issue..

Oil and filter changed without fail every 5,000 miles..
At my mechanics garage so it is also inspected while its there.

I went today about 20 miles to see the service adviser who has my Tuscon. Nice middle aged guy. He said he would check with Hyundai about repairing this as a warranty item. I think they should. Isn't the lower block part of the power train?

SO we will see. I just hate it because we are and have been planning an addition to our house for awhile.
Ya can't take yer money with ya and my children are both far wealthier than I am. So we will do as we see fit..

One of my daughters keep trying to find us another house to buy to be closer to her.

Its always nice spending someone else's money especially when ya don't need to.

There isn't a new home built that is as weather proofed and keeps air out better than mine. But then, I do research for actual testing done scientifically on things like window air leakage. That is actually done and windows rated by the volume of air they allow thru the glass with a 35 mph wind blowing on them.

My windows are the ones rated the BEST with the least air passage of all others. This saves money and energy.

My house is toasty with NO air drafts anywhere.
IFFEN I were to move I would have to have the same insulated values I do now. Kids don't think about stuff like this..

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