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Re: Pope Francis calls Trumps plans of mass deportation of immigrants a disgrace 

By: Beldin in GRITZ | Recommend this post (2)
Mon, 20 Jan 25 10:10 PM | 14 view(s)
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Msg. 02836 of 02895
(This msg. is a reply to 02828 by ribit)

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Ah, so Jorge thinks it's "unChristian" if a country is not willing to be overrun by invading hordes? Well, Catholics ... that's what you get when a village idiot is promoted to pope - a moronic stooge who becomes full of himself. 

Jorge says ~ “If true, this will be a disgrace, because it makes the poor wretches who have nothing pay the bill for the problem. This won’t do! This is not the way to solve things. That’s not how things are resolved.”

So, Jorge ... "The Problem" is that they are poor and without opportunities in their home countries, yes? Their home countries are not controlled by the United States ... nor are they our wards or our colonies. Therefore, we have no right or responsibility for telling other countries what they must do within their own borders. However, we ARE the most generous country in the world and we send billions of dollars in charitable aid to poorer countries around the globe, every year. Does the Vatican give as much out of its coffers I wonder? No? Yeah ... I didn't think so.

And, the illegal aliens who have invaded our country are NOT paying any bills ... they have been housed, fed, given medical care, and allowed to roam, steal, rape, and murder at their pleasure. They won't receive any bill ... they will simply be sent back home where they belong.

The way to solve things is for them to quit putting up with the corruption from their leaders at home who espouse Socialism to keep their citizens down and themselves in the lap of luxury. They need to throw these corrupt bastards out and build a society based on individual freedom, the rule of law, hard work, and Capitalism. And, they need to quit listening to globalist nitwits like you, Jorge. 


The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted. ~ D.H. Lawrence

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Pope Francis calls Trumps plans of mass deportation of immigrants a disgrace
By: ribit
Mon, 20 Jan 25 8:27 PM
Msg. 02828 of 02895

Pope Francis calls Trump's plans of mass deportation of immigrants 'a disgrace'


...pack yer bags ya pencil neck geek!

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