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Re: DC Jail refuses to release J6 ers 

By: micro in GRITZ | Recommend this post (1)
Tue, 21 Jan 25 5:02 PM | 18 view(s)
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Msg. 02913 of 05162
(This msg. is a reply to 02907 by CTJ)

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This is a simple fix. Send a group of FEDS there to that jail and handcuff everyone there , let the J6 illegal captives out and stick the ones who are law violators by not releasing innocent people whom they were TOLD to release.

Better yet, allow the released innocent people to put thier captors into the cells they just came out of..

WHO in the name of Heaven do these people think they are?

Trump needs to show them. They just disobeyed a direct order by the President.

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The above is a reply to the following message:
DC Jail refuses to release J6 ers
Tue, 21 Jan 25 4:27 PM
Msg. 02907 of 05162

As of 9:00 this morning the DC jail has refused to release all the J6 hostages. Two were released yesterday evening.

The Federal Bureau of Prisons told them to release them by 3:00 am this morning.

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