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Re: Tech Billionaires Stargate AI project

By: CTJ in GRITZ | Recommend this post (0)
Thu, 23 Jan 25 5:02 PM | 13 view(s)
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Msg. 02999 of 05162
(This msg. is a reply to 02990 by De_Composed)

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So it’s a treatment given to someone who already has cancer.

I thought it was a vaccine given to someone to prevent them for getting cancer.

I’m still suspect of the people behind its financing. Ellison is a kook. And everyone knows what Bill Gates is about.

But I guess if you have cancer, a death sentence. It doesn’t matter.

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Re: Tech Billionaires Stargate AI project
By: De_Composed
Thu, 23 Jan 25 4:38 AM
Msg. 02990 of 05162


Re: “AI created mRNA vaccines? What could possibly go wrong. ”
I think this is very promising. mRNA (which, remember, is natural. None of us would be here without it.) might be hazardous, but if it is only administered to people who have specific serious illnesses, the risk to those people is mitigated by the benefits.

The problem with mRNA's use in faux vaccines is that it is given to people who AREN'T dying. Since the "vaccine's" long term effects are unknown (but are now beginning to be learned), taking it preemptively is asinine.

My second concern is whether the mRNA can "leak" - spread from one person to another. The lipid that protects the mRNA in the shot doesn't work the way that was intended, and instead of the mRNA surviving just a few hours, it lasts a lot longer... months, at least, and maybe perpetually. If it can be spread (and we know now that under some circumstances it can), there's the potential for its side-effects to catastrophically affect humanity.

But if I had cancer and they could customize a drug just for me with mRNA while eliminating any chance of it leaking to others? Hell yeah. Bring it.

"AI" is a whole different discussion. If it assists doctors and developers, that would be fine with me so long as there are significant safeguards in place to ensure that the drugs do exactly what they are intended to do and nothing more.

Like it or not, AI is here and isn't going to go away. We'd best get it working FOR us before someone else decides to get their own version working AGAINST us.

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