Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) ~ Put your biases against her aside and watch this video of Marjorie Taylor-Greene dealing with a reporter hounding her about January 6th.
Just watch it. Every second of it.
Video ~
Jimni38 ( @Jimni38 ) ~ I don’t always agree with her but she has always been a staunch advocate of the J6ers and she has always been a pitbull in handling the media. They ALL need to treat the media like this when they try to pull gotcha questions.
P.T. Ward (@HTWardish) ~ Yup, it was well done there’s no denying it. @MZanona with not a clue in the world how bad it made her look either, she definitely thought she won this exchange.
It really is as if our pals in the media simply don't understand how wrong or embarrassing they really are. Awww, it must be nice to live a life so filled with this level of delusion.
Suzy Redd (@suzy_redd) ~ Most won't notice this, but pay attention to the eye contact. She hardly breaks eye contact for three minutes. People who lack confidence, and people who are telling lies, can rarely hold someone's gaze.
MTG meant business.
There is NO doubt.
The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted. ~ D.H. Lawrence