Replies to Msg. #1257682
 Msg. #  Subject Posted by    Board    Date   
03069 Re: Dear Clo
   [color=blue][b]Woketards don't grasp the reality of our Constitutional...
Beldin   GRITZ   25 Jan 2025
3:58 AM
03068 Re: Dear Clo
   ...I thought a landslide was when a dem won by one vote which was heav...
ribit   GRITZ   25 Jan 2025
1:25 AM

The above list shows replies to the following message:

Re: Dear Clo

By: De_Composed in GRITZ
Sat, 25 Jan 25 12:47 AM
Msg. 03062 of 03150
(This msg. is a reply to 03058 by ribit)
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Re: “...more people voted for Trump than Voted for Harris.”
Also, it WAS a landslide because it was an election by state votes, not an election by citizen votes.

As I've pointed out previously, if the presidency depended on the popular vote, candidates would campaign differently. Trump, for instance, would probably have done some campaigning in California and Oregon. So discussing the popular vote result is ridiculous. THE POPULAR VOTE RESULT DOES NOT MATTER - except, perhaps, as a curiosity invoked to make simple-minded losers feel better about themselves.

Libtards don't seem able to grasp this.