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Re: Dear Clo

By: Beldin in GRITZ | Recommend this post (0)
Sat, 25 Jan 25 4:27 PM | 14 view(s)
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Msg. 03088 of 03199
(This msg. is a reply to 03085 by micro)

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We're all sinners who are mired down and floundering in the wrong.

Personal recognition and admission of that fact is where the turnaround can initially begin ... because ignoring, disrespecting, and disobeying God in our petty pride is the cause of all problems here on Earth. 


The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted. ~ D.H. Lawrence

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Re: Dear Clo
By: micro
Sat, 25 Jan 25 4:12 PM
Msg. 03085 of 03199

well now Sir Wizard that is a very true statement.

The biggest problem I see with people of that mindset is that "as for me and my HOUSE, we will serve The Lord".

We don't give a rats arse who is in the White House, if they are trying to get us to do things that go against our beliefs found in Scriptures, we will not obey.

Most of these Pissydents are Godless pretenders whose actions belie their real spiritual conditions.

Words, and actions are tell tale signs of someone's real spiritual condition.

A person is no more a CAR because they walked into or thru a garage than a person is a Christian because they walked thru the doors of a Church building and sat in a pew and hear what the speaker said.
But, I am sure you know that already..

Most people don't. Also, the ONLY THING that gets anyone into HEAVEN is to have THEIR NAME recorded in The LAMB'S Book of LIFE. That is different from The Book of Life. There is no such things praying someone into heaven. Salvation is a personal individual SOUL changing of the heart so that you are made accepttable unto God the Father thru the Blood of Christ and HIS righteousness alone.

I doubt highly ANY of the Farters understand this basic tenant that Christ preached openly while here on the earth AND is in lots of places throughout the entire New Testament.

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