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Re: J6ers still in prison 

By: ribit in GRITZ | Recommend this post (2)
Sun, 26 Jan 25 12:38 AM | 18 view(s)
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Msg. 03107 of 03147
(This msg. is a reply to 03106 by CTJ)

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...next time we should have a Fiery but mostly peaceful protest. Nobody gets arrested there.


Liberals are like a "Slinky". Totally useless, but somehow ya can't help but smile when you see one tumble down a flight of stairs!

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The above is a reply to the following message:
J6ers still in prison
Sun, 26 Jan 25 12:01 AM
Msg. 03106 of 03147

12 Biden political prisoners still haven’t been released.

The DC Judges,prosecutors and prison staff have been doing everything they can to not release them.

A couple have been at the last minute transferred to other prisons. So it’s not known where they are.

Judges have been manipulating the charges to make it look like some charges aren’t related to J6 and don’t qualify as pardoned charges.

Some of the J6ers are being held for other charges from other states, old warrants etc.

one women who’s been held for 13 months was also charged with a failure to appear. The judges are saying it’s not related to J6, not qualified for the pardon. Even though the court appearance was a hearing about her J6 arrest.

Most of these people were charged:
Interfering with a government proceeding.
Parading without a permit.

These are standard charges at the Capitol for protesters.

When the democrats/left/commies are charged with these charges. They are taken to SUPERIOR COURT, given a fine and sent on their way.

When the J6ers were charged with these charges. They were taken to FEDERAL COURT,and imprisoned in the DC JAIL.

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