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Nacl: Re: Plane crash Reagan National Airport UPDATE

By: monkeytrots in GRITZ | Recommend this post (0)
Fri, 31 Jan 25 3:32 AM | 16 view(s)
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Msg. 03262 of 03267
(This msg. is a reply to 03260 by nacl01)

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Nacl - the huey was an older model that does not have the 'collision warning radar system', and retrofitting it would be very expensive.

However, I was NOT referring to any onboard systems, I was talking about the SOFTWARE that ATC uses for their control systems. They have position, vector, ID, and altitude information available right there on the spot with constant human monitoring. There really can be no excuse for not having real time monitoring of ATC directives being checked by even a fairly dumb system that could easily 'flag' and warn of disastrous instructions being given out by humans involved. (hell even web pages have built in 'error corrections' for spelling/grammar human errors.

There have also been attempts to undermine the helo flight crew manning levels,. experience, etc. The pilot had over a thousand hours of no incident flight experience, the minimum crew level is TWO (not four) and there are 'commonly' three member flights. Four may be considered 'optimal', but are no means a requirement.

The helo was traveling straight and level for quite a distance, in a well established air corridor, completely following the rules for that corridor. It is the AIRLINER that was changing direction, altitude, and airspeed at the time - a SUDDEN change ordered by the ATC controller.

from CTJ - solid evidence: ATC comms with radar tracks:

The radar/comm link CTJ posted, with a record of the all the surrounding air activity is, in my opinion, ROCK SOLID EVIDENCE of what exactly happened.

Note that the SWAMP has a highly vested interest in attempting to obfuscate this totally obvious FUBAR of the FAA/ATC. They know that heads should roll, and criminal indictments for endangering public airways should be filed on those that caused the situation to exist.


Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good ...

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Re: Plane crash Reagan National Airport UPDATE
By: nacl01
Fri, 31 Jan 25 2:30 AM
Msg. 03260 of 03267

WTH happened that there was NO COLLISION WARNING from the software being used by the ATC ?

Both aircraft would have had Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) systems in the cockpits. This article:

says they may be inoperative at low altitudes.

This may change (IMHO).


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