It is a responsibility of both planes and copters to look for each other at Reagan.
BUT, a plane within seconds of landing no longer has the luxury of being able to avoid hitting something in its path.
It is a copter’s responsibility to divert, change path, as a jet comes down to that level as it is about to touchdown.
A plane should never be placed in that position where it has to come down to seconds from touchdown while even a helicopter flying within the proper parameters is in its path. One or the other must have been diverted before that comes in play. The helicopter is far more agile, it can stop in its tracks, slow down, change direction, many options to get out of the way.
So, we have a blackhawk flying above 200 feet(not verified yet but seems true) straight at the about to touchdown jet and makes no effort to avoid collision. Did not see the jet, suicide mission, just plain stupid flying, and controller missed the flight altitude issue, what? The jet was a sitting duck.
That’s where we are.