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Re: In my view two factors contributed to the crash… 

By: Zimbler0 in GRITZ | Recommend this post (2)
Sat, 01 Feb 25 3:45 AM | 10 view(s)
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Msg. 03314 of 03323
(This msg. is a reply to 03271 by De_Composed)

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Re: “Reported night goggles could have been an issue.”
- clo2 #msg-1258013

Let me see . . .
I been reading that the FAA directed that priority be given to 'employing' folks with all kinds of disabilities - including epilepsy . . .

Now an Air Traffic Controller has to be alert, knowledgeable, and only have seconds to avert a tragedy. Do 'We' REALLY want to put a person who might be bouncing around on the floor having an epileptic seizure while the collision alarm is going off?

I hear the biden administration ordered the FAA to deny jobs to a thousand (or more) white dudes just so they could 'employ' half wits, cripples, and other assorted incompetents as air traffic controllers . . . What do sane people think will happen when one puts incompetents into critical jobs?

Why do parts keep falling off Boeing airplanes? (DEI)

Why can't the post office reliably deliver mail any more? (DIE)

How come little Johnny can't read?



Mad Poet Strikes Again.

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Re: In my view two factors contributed to the crash…
By: De_Composed
Fri, 31 Jan 25 6:55 PM
Msg. 03271 of 03323

Re: “Reported night goggles could have been an issue.”
- clo2 #msg-1258013  

Or the copter might have had a gal behind the wheel.

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