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I want to be clear on immigration

By: zzstar in FFT4 | Recommend this post (0)
Sat, 01 Feb 25 10:28 PM | 15 view(s)
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Msg. 14544 of 14581
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I am all for deporting the criminals AND those here illegally(in general, including huge number of visa overstays). Remember …those?

I am not for deporting those who’ve been here for years, have families and are part of the economy. There should be a way for them to stay and contribute, pay taxes, etc.

Same for some illegals who are in jobs that no Americans want. Somehow, give them temporary stays for those jobs, and let them reapply after a certain term.

The DACA people are as Americans as everyone else, in my view. Give them citizenship. Our gain. No loss there at all.

Finally, come up with an immigration bill that allows for steady, orderly immigration, with specific preferred categories for jobs that won’t take American jobs, especially in tech, and not all of them from Latin America. America is not a developing country. We already have an identity, and in my view need to not lose it overnight as is happening in parts of Miami and south florida, for example. You no speak spanish you no get job. Diversity is great when it’s just that, not another country. It may sound harsh, but that’s how I feel when I go down there sometimes, not always. Only when it gets too much, and it does …depending…..

Asylum is another story. Needs to be dealt with somehow, I don’t have a clue how. They should figure it out.

So, I think an immigration bill of COMMON SENSE, that accomplishes what we need, what our needs are, and celebrates America’s history of immigration and immigrants that made it great can be done once and for all, and be tweaked every so many years. We are a mature country now.

Give foreign students the ability to stay and get jobs rather than go home and use their skills there.

That’s my immigration policy in broad terms. We don’t want hordes at our border. Biden was both railroaded by the fking left and did nothing, and asleep at the wheel on the border, which along with the woke crap and identity wars cost the Dems the election. It wasn’t the economy, which he left in great shape. You hear any of his voters asking “WHAT’S THE STORY WITH THE PRICES, ARE YOU WORKING ON THAT”?

Total silence from all sides. It wasn’t’ the real issue in the END!

P.S. I am so glad that they/them BS is gone.

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