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Re: Pro-RFK Jr. letter to the Senate includes names of doctors whose licenses were revoked or suspended

By: zzstar in FFT4 | Recommend this post (0)
Sun, 02 Feb 25 6:29 PM | 3 view(s)
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Msg. 14565 of 14569
(This msg. is a reply to 14563 by clo2)

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Ron Johnson is an asshole and a TRAITOR. We all know his list of alternate electors he tried to pass on to Pence!

Fk him!

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Pro-RFK Jr. letter to the Senate includes names of doctors whose licenses were revoked or suspended
By: clo2
in FFT4
Sun, 02 Feb 25 5:48 PM
Msg. 14563 of 14569

Pro-RFK Jr. letter to the Senate includes names of doctors whose licenses were revoked or suspended

The letter was meant to lend credibility to Kennedy’s nomination, which has faced strenuous opposition from medical experts due to his two decades of anti-vaccine activism. Republican Sen. Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, a medical doctor who boasts on his official website of an effort he created to vaccinate 36,000 children against hepatitis B, expressed hesitancy about Kennedy’s nomination and is seen as a key vote.

The AP found that in addition to the physicians who had faced disciplinary action, many of the nearly 800 signers are not doctors. The letter with the names of those who signed was provided to the AP by Sen. Ron Johnson’s office after he entered it into the Congressional Record on Wednesday during the first of Kennedy’s two confirmation hearings.


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