He didn't need any. He simply spoke walking past an olive tree that was not bearing any fruit and cursed it. The tree immediately died.
He spoke unto the raging waters of The Dead Sea and told them to be still, and the waters were calm again.
What do ya think Hoggbreath would happen if HE spoke and told you to bleed out right now?
My GOD is alive and doing well. How about yours?
A word of caution atheist. Its already gonna be pretty hot where you're headed but did ya know that depending on how wretched you are here will determine exactly how stoked up the heat, fire, scorpion stings, etc. are gonna be nailing ya every second and that will go on for all of eternity...
There is no getting out.. So mock The GOD of the Universe all ya wany now. HE heard ya and recorded it..
You'll hear it again one day right before ya get tossed into the flames of the Lake of Fire....
We'll see if your're so smug and all knowing then...