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Re: Rebecca Lobach

By: CTJ in GRITZ | Recommend this post (0)
Mon, 03 Feb 25 5:58 PM | 17 view(s)
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Msg. 03447 of 04547
(This msg. is a reply to 03443 by De_Composed)

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The 12th Aviation Battalion’s mission is to fly the civilian and military leadership of America. They also are responsible for in the event of an attack on Washington to evacuate the Department Secretaries and Agency Heads to relocation sites. These are the best pilots the army has to offer.

She was selected for a position she was not qualified fior because she was a woke lesbian female. She had less than 500 hours flying time. The pilots who fly that mission are the best that there is. How did she end up in the White House? How did she end up assigned to this helicopter group?

She’s the perfect DEI candidate.
LGBTA & Feminist Activist
Probably heavily involved and well connected in the Democrat party.

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Rebecca Lobach
By: De_Composed
Mon, 03 Feb 25 9:31 AM
Msg. 03443 of 04547

It's not a story that Rebecca Lobach was a lesbian. Lesbianism didn't cause that disaster. Being female did. Rebecca would have crashed the copter even if she'd been normal.

The true story is that TPTB felt the need to delay an official announcement (Rebecca's name) while they scrubbed her problem out of her social media, her siblings' social media and her parents' social media. And the information got out anyway!

It's sad that they did that. I'm glad they failed.

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