Replies to Msg. #1258317
 Msg. #  Subject Posted by    Board    Date   
03487 Re: Rebecca Lobach
   Decomposed > I'd be curious as to what ribit and micro think about wom...
Zimbler0   GRITZ   04 Feb 2025
4:43 AM
03485 Re: Rebecca Lobach
   ...against women in combat. They would be a distraction. They would le...
ribit   GRITZ   04 Feb 2025
3:06 AM

The above list shows replies to the following message:

Re: Rebecca Lobach

By: De_Composed in GRITZ
Tue, 04 Feb 25 1:19 AM
Msg. 03477 of 04562
(This msg. is a reply to 03474 by Zimbler0)
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Re: “Just how did 'being female' cause her to crash the helicopter?”
My opinion is that females do not fare well versus males in many physical contests - excepting only those in which shorter stature and lesser weight can be advantageous (jockeying, balancing, skeet shooting, endurance events.) Or when body fat plays a role: Distance swimming and resisting cold. Additionally, I think females are MUCH worse at coping with fear. I've seen women literally freeze / turn adolescent in a crisis. I've never seen a man do that, though I know it can happen... for instance, when drowning. To some extent, this matters when talking about pilots who may have split seconds in which to think their way through a terrifying situation.

I'd be curious as to what ribit and micro think about women on the battlefield, yea or nay. And why.