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Re: Con Ed proposes massive rate hikes that could increase NYers gas, energy bills by $154 a month — thanks to Hochul’s green energy push  

By: Zimbler0 in GRITZ | Recommend this post (1)
Thu, 06 Feb 25 5:26 AM | 14 view(s)
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Msg. 03599 of 04506
(This msg. is a reply to 03596 by ribit)

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New Yoke Joke needs to do two things.

1.) Clean up their 'voter rolls' and registration systems.

2.) Vote the lying thieving turkeys out of office.

Catastrophic “Loss of Control” Data Breach in NY Elections

"Through auditing the voter roll databases, obtained directly from state and local boards of elections, we have uncovered millions of invalid registrations, hundreds of thousands of votes cast by legally invalid registrations, hundreds of thousands of votes cast by legally invalid registrants, massive vote discrepancies, and the clear presence of algorithmic patterns we reverse engineered from within the state's own official records.

To be absolutely clear, there is no known innocent purpose or explanation for why these algorithms exist. I am told by cyber-intelligence experts they indicate a 'Total Loss of Control' data breach, the most severe kind of data breach recognized by our federal government. The law says it renders the affected NYSVoter database completely untrustworthy."



Mad Poet Strikes Again.

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Con Ed proposes massive rate hikes that could increase NYers gas, energy bills by $154 a month — thanks to Hochul’s green energy push
By: ribit
Thu, 06 Feb 25 5:10 AM
Msg. 03596 of 04506

Con Ed proposes massive rate hikes that could increase NYers gas, energy bills by $154 a month — thanks to Hochul’s green energy push


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