Replies to Msg. #1258668
 Msg. #  Subject Posted by    Board    Date   
03727 Re: Decomp SILVER
   Did she get ya shoveled out?
micro   GRITZ   08 Feb 2025
7:27 PM
03716 Re: Decomp SILVER oughta have two wives in case one of em gets hurt shoveling sno...
ribit   GRITZ   08 Feb 2025
7:02 AM

The above list shows replies to the following message:

Re: Decomp SILVER

By: De_Composed in GRITZ
Sat, 08 Feb 25 6:52 AM
Msg. 03715 of 04547
(This msg. is a reply to 03714 by ribit)
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Re: “Decomp SILVER ”
Thanks. I'm not too worried. With the exception, perhaps, of some Mexican silver, I'm comfortable with everything I've bought. I know about the hallmarks and numbers. I know about coin silver, weighted silver (which is worthless) and nickel silver (also worthless.) I do my best to find the manufacturer before I buy and learn something about the item. Sometimes I find the *exact* model and learn about it that way. When I win a lot, I write up what I learned along with the weight, purity and purchase info and bag it up with the item.

I didn't know about the nitric acid test, though. Good to know!

You might have noticed that I haven't posted on auctions for a while. The weather here is too risky this winter. I found myself unable to get the car up the driveway a few days ago. I had to get my wife to come down with a snow shovel and then spend several hours clearing a track. And that was despite our studded tires.