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Re: 12 Simple Things That You Can Start Doing Right Now to Become More Independent of the System

By: De_Composed in GRITZ | Recommend this post (0)
Mon, 10 Feb 25 6:28 PM | 18 view(s)
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Msg. 03810 of 04566
(This msg. is a reply to 03808 by micro)

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Re: “If ya want to have an open mind ya should visit this in northern Kentucky just off of I-275 near Hebron.”
I don't have an open mind. I believe in God but not in magic. I think there is a lot left to learn.

Regarding your "no man knows when" assertion, it seems to fly in the face of your earlier statement that it will be soon. Thousands of years ain't "soon," but that's how long Christian scholars have been saying that the end is nigh.

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Re: 12 Simple Things That You Can Start Doing Right Now to Become More Independent of the System
By: micro
Mon, 10 Feb 25 5:47 PM
Msg. 03808 of 04566


just an fyi.

The reason people have been waiting is because "no man knows the time or hour or day when Christ will come again.

He just said HE would come. He also left great detailed information of what was going to happen after that appearance.

As a reminder, the Middle east conflict has been described in detail in scripture and it is no surprise that all these NAMED countries will be enemies of Israel, Including Russia and China. Of course Iran is named and Egypt.

That day is coming as well.
Unfortunately we do not get to pick and choose what day or year the prophecies occur but a lot of them have already happened.

For those who are skeptics I recommend the Answers in Genesis and Creation Museum where everything is documented combining what science has found and where it was already recorded literally millenia before they actually confirmed it..

If ya want to have an open mind ya should visit this in northern Kentucky just off of I-275 near Hebron.

100 percent of ALL prophecies have actually happened and been fulfilled except this last one. So when ypu're batting a thousand there is no reason to assume that the last one isn't going to happen..

There were plenty of skeptics in Jesus' days here on earth despite the miracles HE performed in front of them.

Every thing HE said came true as well.

So, I would encourage to open the blinders and do some research. I recommend David Limbaugh's books. They are sound and very interesting. HE TOO was a skeptic until he wasn't.

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