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‘They’re All Impotent’: Victor Davis Hanson Calls EU The US’s ‘Collective Maxine Waters’ 

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By Mariane Angela
The Daily Caller
February 14, 2025

Hoover Institution Senior Fellow Victor Davis Hanson appeared on Newsmax Friday and compared the European Union (EU) to Democratic California Rep. Maxine Waters.

At the Munich Security Conference, Vice President JD Vance condemned European leaders for their “conscious decisions” that led to mass migration and also for the consequences that followed that mass migration, including the car attack in Munich by an Afghan national. Vance said that stricter entry laws could have averted such tragedies. During an appearance on “Rob Schmitt Tonight,” Hanson said he agreed with Vance and slammed the EU for its inability to adopt necessary reforms, suggesting that if the EU were prudent, it would embrace constructive changes akin to those advocated by U.S. President Donald Trump and seek a bipartisan approach.

“Donald Trump and the MAGA movement is basically not only saving the United States, it’s saving the West. It’s a model for them, and they can’t handle that. So they can’t stand JD Vance. What he says to them, they know it’s true, and they say, ‘Oh my God, I don’t want to hear it,'” Hanson said. “They’re our collective Maxine Waters, you know what I mean?”

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The EU, Hanson said, should follow Trump’s lead by embracing bipartisanship and implementing policies that they see benefiting the U.S.

“If they were wise, make constructive criticism, join Trump and try to be bipartisan, and they know they should do what we’re doing. They know they should close the borders, open up free speech. Their GDP is anemic, deregulate, cut taxes, but they can’t do it,” Hanson said. “And it’s like for them the malady, or I should say the drug or the cure, is worse than the disease, so they’re paralyzed.”

Hanson said that EU members react a certain way when they hear Vance speak.

“They hear JD Vance, and they think ‘We should do that. We should close our borders. We should deregulate. We should open up free speech. But we can’t do that. We’re just fossilized. We have too many leftist groups.’ So instead of that, they just demonize, like the Democrats, they just demonize the right in Europe,” Hanson added. “When the EU was formed, the economy was almost the same as the United States in 1999. It’s only 60 percent of the U.S. economy now, GDP-wise. It’s failing in every aspect. Germany’s becoming deindustrialized.”

Hanson criticized what he said was the EU’s inability to reform.

“They don’t have any energy. They don’t have any military. Their GDP was completely flat. Their car companies can’t compete. And they know what they have to do. Just like the Democrats know what Elon Musk is doing is wise, but they can’t do it,” Hanson said. “And they’re all impotent. Without power, they get shrill. So they sat there, just like the Democrats, angry, angry, angry, and they didn’t know what to say.”

In a recent address to European dignitaries, Vance focused minimally on the United States’ role in ensuring military security in Europe. Instead, he dedicated the majority of his speech to criticizing European leadership, which he described as being overly fixated on censorship, akin to tyranny.

Vance said that with Trump’s return to office, a significant shift in policy direction is imminent. “There’s a new sheriff in town,” he said. Vance said that the United States will move away from being viewed merely as a global economic playground for exploitation by international elites.

“I believe there is nothing more urgent than mass migration,” Vance said. “Today, almost one in five people living in [Germany] moved here from abroad. That is of course an all-time high. It’s also a similar number in the United States, also an all-time high.”

In December, a Saudi Arabian national drove his vehicle into a large crowd at a Christmas market in Magdeburg, Germany, resulting in the deaths of five individuals, among them a 9-year-old child.


The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted. ~ D.H. Lawrence

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