Two points.
1. Since they have determined of their own free will to be the baby sitters of all other people who wander into their borders and contribute nothing to the society but bring lots of costs to it, then they obviously do not need nor deserve any U.S. help or aid.
2. Why should we, the free place in the world where we actually make sure we have a free society but one with rules, laws, and regulations that are upheld, spend more money helping out these turds who love our money and our military protection but despise our values and freedoms?
Let them stand on their own against the Russians and Chinese and the invasion by the Mooslim world.. If they won;t stop it t hen they are all for it.
BUT, we should not be giving them one dime for any reason because if ya can afford to be the world's babysitter, then ya don't really need any help. Nor do ya deserve any.