Replies to Msg. #1259201
 Msg. #  Subject Posted by    Board    Date   
04172 Re: I just discovered that my iq is above 140
   ...if I can do it, it isn't art!
ribit   GRITZ   17 Feb 2025
5:11 PM
04168 Re: I just discovered that my iq is above 140
   ART is one side of your brain De. I am not good at making art myself...
micro   GRITZ   17 Feb 2025
4:27 PM

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Re: I just discovered that my iq is above 140

By: De_Composed in GRITZ
Mon, 17 Feb 25 6:24 AM
Msg. 04158 of 04547
(This msg. is a reply to 04114 by micro)
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Re: “Most everyone here is smarter than me IMO.”
When I was young, I asked my mother if I had a high I.Q. She paused for just a second. "You know that picture in the living room? Your sister made it when she was about your age. Go paint me something like that."

"But I'm not artistic," I said.

"Then you've got your answer," she replied.

I left with my tail between my legs and never asked that question again.

We all have strengths and weaknesses. Some have more of the one than the other, but we've all got some of both. I hope I do, anyway - 'cuz I know I'm a moron when it comes to art.