good post professor. Great incite and compliment
to Elon for being HONEST and OPEN when the company under a person's control messes up.
I was 42 years in business with a manufacturing corporation. Did I ever make a mistake ?
Of course. Sometimes new things we try do not always work out well. Sometimes we get bad information and did not take the needed time to really research it. Sometimes we make a decision that affects our employees or our customers that we did not quite think through.
I have stood in front of my employees all gathered together and had to explain I messed up and apologize to them.
I also have issued raffle tickets to all of them on a day when I had a party for all of them and had door prized. BIG door prizes like brand new BIG color t.v sets.
Stereo systems. Gift cards to nice restaurants in the area.
We had games to play and and a catered dinner.
Your employees followed by your customers are your top assets and you have much better production from happy people who want to come to work and know that they are truly appreciated and important..
Admitting you screwed up is something that you need to be willing to do and apologize for your mistakes, and make it up to anyone affected by your errors.
THAT is how you regain trust.. Yes, it's embarrassing sometimes but none of us are perfect. It's HOW we deal with those times that show your true character and Elon was rewarded for that.
I do not use X or any social media platform except this one. I know nothing about Farcebook or any other.
But I do know if I could afford him, I would have Elon as an advisor and use that wonderful mind of his to full benefit. Just like Trump is doing.
I am most happy to see his love for his children.. THAT tells me a lot about his heart.. I have more respect for him now than ever...