While Donald Trump has made multiple excellent choices for his cabinet and agency heads, his choice for Labor secretary is opposed to a key part of his platform (making America prosperous) and is endorsed by the most woke, dictatorial, and radical of teacher union heads.
Lori Chavez-DeRemer, former Planned Parenthood employee and loyal union stooge, needs to be replaced — Trump should never have chosen her. In fact, she’s an absolute gift to the most leftist and most corrupt unions. It is one thing to appeal to union membership, as Trump undoubtedly did in the last election, and another thing to place a radical union ally in a position of high federal authority.
Chavez-DeRemer has, for instance, backed the PRO Act, a condemnable piece of legislation that aims to launch “a federal takeover of state law that would turn union organizers loose on nearly every government employee—including teachers, state agency employees, county workers, law enforcement, and first responders.” The most powerful unions — the same ones who donate 96% of PAC cash to Democrats — would have a say in daily government management and could reach a larger nationwide fundraising base.
The legislation was so obviously problematic that Chavez-DeRemer was one of only three Republicans in the house to support it when she was a congresswoman. You can read more about why the PRO Act is awful from my colleague Stephen Kruiser.
It’s no wonder, therefore, that Chavez-DeRemer was endorsed by Randi Weingarten, the lesbian wackadoodle American Federation of Teachers head who was devastated by Trump‘s election and who ensured that schools would stay closed and tank American kids’ education during Covid. “It is significant that the Pres-elect nominated Rep. Chavez-DeRemer for Labor,” Weingarten enthused. “Her record suggests real support of workers & their right to unionize. I hope it means the Trump admin will actually respect collective bargaining and workers' voices from Teamsters to teachers.”
Let’s list a few reasons why praise from pro-Kamala, anti-Trump LGBTQ Randi Weingarten—the walking advertisement for homeschooling—is such a damning anti-endorsement of Chavez-DeRemer. First, Weingarten exerted pressure not only to close schools during COVID-19 but to keep them closed long after it was apparent the children were more at risk from lockdowns than from COVID-19. She ended up gathering over $180 billion in taxpayer funds for schools, based on her demands for massive government largesse before reopening, much of which was reportedly not spent or was not spent on school reopening. As I have likewise previously reported: "Soon after the 2016 election, Weingarten scare-mongered about the incoming Trump administration and urged her fellow teachers to expend effort on promoting LGBTQ ideology both in their schools and at the policymaking level. In 2023, Weingarten was furious at efforts to remove critical race theory and LGBTQ propaganda, including pornographic content, from schools. She wants teachers to be able to 'gender transition' students, too, and has consistently prioritized LGBTQ brainwashing as AFT president."
Weingarten declared that she wept with joy while voting for Kamala Harris. After Trump’s 2024 election, Weingarten has been on an anti-Trump and anti-DOGE binge, including asserting that deportations of criminal illegal aliens “are traumatizing to all children.” She hysterically accused DOGE of causing “irreparable damage in the lives of working people” by cutting egregious government waste. Yet she supports Chavez-DeRemer.
Indeed, it seems safe to say that if you support the DOGE branch of the Trump administration, with its aggressive reforms and prioritizing of We the People over the Deep State, then you cannot but be opposed to Trump‘s shockingly awful pick for Labor secretary. Tell your senators not to confirm Chavez-DeRemer. Donald Trump can do a lot better for America’s workers than this leftist teachers’ union favorite.
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