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'Censorship Is the Twin of Failure': Victor Davis Hanson Analyzes JD Vance's Speech to Europe 

By: Beldin in GRITZ | Recommend this post (3)
Wed, 19 Feb 25 4:11 AM | 16 view(s)
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Political commentator, Victor Davis Hanson, was on Fox News recently defending Vice President JD Vance’s Munich speech to Europe. Hanson said Vance was telling the European 'Silent Majority’ that the elites had failed. That failure means censorship is the elites' only option.

Here’s an excerpt.

“They've failed on the border, on the economy, on energy, on immigration, on defense. And so in their failure, they tried to stifle all forms of dissent and free expression."

“He was trying to give encouragement to all the people of Europe who know that and want to rise up. And that's why they hate him so much."

“They know that there's a populist, nationalist blowback coming. And JD Vance wants to assure people that we are the friend of the real Europe, not the pseudo Europe, not the pseudo elite that's hijacked the continent the last 20 years."

Hanson explains at length what he means here.

Western Lensman (@WesternLensman) ~ 🚨 VDH: JD Vance was telling the European 'Silent Majority’ that the elite has failed —

— and when they FAIL, they CENSOR:

“They've failed on the border, on the economy, on energy, on immigration, on defense. And so in their failure, they tried to stifle all forms of dissent and free expression."

“He was trying to give encouragement to all the people of Europe who know that and want to rise up. And that's why they hate him so much."

“They know that there's a populist, nationalist blowback coming. And JD Vance wants to assure people that we are the friend of the real Europe, not the pseudo Europe, not the pseudo elite that's hijacked the continent the last 20 years."
Video ~ http://x.com/i/status/1891682532178960557

YellowJacket (@YellowJ01650816) ~ It was an important message. Their citizens are being abused by their governments and they know it. They’re not crazy. I hope they get the people they need to turn it around. They are in very bad shape.

Western Lensman (@WesternLensman) ~ Euros conducting pre-dawn raids for social media posts while whining about Trump being an authoritarian.

Klay Thompson (@Thompsonklay) ~ That silent European majority needs to start making some noise that's for sure.


The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted. ~ D.H. Lawrence

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