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Re: GARBAGE! JD Vance Breaks Out ALL the Facts in Straight-Fire Post Owning SCOLD Shaming Trump Over Ukraine 

By: Zimbler0 in GRITZ | Recommend this post (2)
Fri, 21 Feb 25 1:24 AM | 12 view(s)
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Msg. 04383 of 04547
(This msg. is a reply to 04364 by Beldin)

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Okay, warhawks ... do you want to take two totally different scenarios and apply the same solution?

My opinion.

1.) Direct War between the U.S. and Russia is not to be undertaken.

2.) Promise Russia that if they use nukes Russia will be a glassy meadow on the maps.

3.) Inform Russia that if they don't make peace quick - we will provide Ukraine with more long range weaponry and the green light to use them and any domestically produced weapons (like long range drones) to destroy such things as Russia's oil industry - bringing Russia to its knees.

4.) Do a serious audit of every nickel of American money sent to Ukraine. I'm assuming there were any number of demo-rat 'slush funds' and if we find where biden & co. were getting kickbacks - hang him from the yard arm.

I believe the article is correct in that neither the biden administration nor the euro-weenies had any plans (and possibly no intention) of prosecuting the Ukraine war to victory.

I also believe Russia is in deep trouble. I don't think Russia actually has the manpower to prosecute the war much longer. Note that Russia recently was reduced to 'hiring' N.Korean soldiers to fight. Russia also has a severe manpower shortage.

‘A perfect storm’ Russia is facing a severe labor shortage. Economists say it will only get worse in the coming years.


December 10, 2024
Why is Russia short on workers?
Longtime geographic trends

The workers currently joining the Russian labor market are from the relatively small generations born in the 1990s and early 2000s. From 1987 to 1999, Russia’s birth rate dropped by half, demographer Alexey Raksha noted to iStories. He estimated that the number of people leaving the working-age population will continue to surpass the number entering it at least until the generation born in 2007 joins the workforce.

Throughout the 2000s and into the early to mid-2010s, Russia had a high proportion of working-age people, according to Salavat Abylkalikov, a Cara fellow and visiting researcher at the U.K.’s University of Northumbria. On one hand, there were relatively few older people due to the demographic consequences of World War II. On the other hand, there were few children due to the low birth rates of the chaotic 1990s and early 2000s.

Concerns about a severe labor shortage in Russia due to demographic factors began appearing as early as 2021, when the worker deficit was estimated at 2.2 million people — the highest in seven years.

There is a LOT from this article that I skipped.

Some Blurbs :

Russia Suffering Worst Labor Shortage in 25 Years - Newsweek (2023)
Russia short of around 4.8 million workers in 2023, - Reuters



Mad Poet Strikes Again.

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The above is a reply to the following message:
GARBAGE! JD Vance Breaks Out ALL the Facts in Straight-Fire Post Owning SCOLD Shaming Trump Over Ukraine
By: Beldin
Thu, 20 Feb 25 7:46 PM
Msg. 04364 of 04547


You know the scolds are getting desperate when they start quoting George H.W. Bush to shame Trump over Ukraine. And not only Trump but all Republicans... for pushing to end the conflict.

How dare anyone on the Right want peace over war?

We should be ASHAMED.

Oh, wait ... no.

But this guy seems to think we should feel bad about it:

Niall Ferguson (@nfergus) ~ "This will not stand. This will not stand, this aggression against Kuwait."--George H.W. Bush on August 5, 1990. Full quote from Jon Meacham's biography. Future history students will be asked why this stopped being the reaction of a Republican president to the invasion of a sovereign state by a dictator.
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J.D. Vance with the one-two:

JD Vance (@JDVance) ~ This is moralistic garbage, which is unfortunately the rhetorical currency of the globalists because they have nothing else to say.

For three years, President Trump and I have made two simple arguments: first, the war wouldn't have started if President Trump was in office; second, that neither Europe, nor the Biden administration, nor the Ukrainians had any pathway to victory. This was true three years ago, it was true two years ago, it was true last year, and it is true today.

And for three years, the concerns of people who were obviously right were ignored. What is Niall's actual plan for Ukraine? Another aid package? Is he aware of the reality on the ground, of the numerical advantage of the Russians, of the depleted stock of the Europeans or their even more depleted industrial base?

Instead, he quotes from a book about George HW Bush from a different historical period and a different conflict. That's another currency of these people: reliance on irrelevant history.

President Trump is dealing with reality, which means dealing with facts. And here are some facts:

Number one, while our Western European allies' security has benefitted greatly from the generosity of the United States, they pursue domestic policies (on migration and censorship) that offend the sensibilities of most Americans and defense policies that assume continued over-reliance.

Number two, Russians have a massive numerical advantage in manpower and weapons in Ukraine, and that advantage will persist regardless of further Western aid packages. Again, the aid is *currently* flowing.

Number three, the United States retains substantial leverage over both parties to the conflict.

Number four, ending the conflict requires talking to the people involved in starting it and maintaining it.

Number five, the conflict has placed--and continues to place--stress on tools of American statecraft, from military stockpiles to sanctions (and so much else). We believe the continued conflict is bad for Russia, bad for Ukraine, and bad for Europe. But most importantly, it is bad for the United States.

Given the above facts, we must pursue peace, and we must pursue it now. President Trump ran on this, he won on this, and he is right about this. It is lazy, ahistorical nonsense to attack as "appeasement" every acknowledgment that America's interest must account for the realities of the conflict.

That interest--not moralisms or historical illiteracy--will guide President Trump's policy in the weeks to come.

And thank God for that.


Okay, warhawks ... do you want to take two totally different scenarios and apply the same solution? We committed U.S. troops and beat the sh!t out of Saddam Hussein, so that then means we need to commit U.S. troops and beat the sh!t out of Vladimir Putin - and very likely start a nuclear World War III in the process. Is that it? Because THAT is what it will take to remove Putin from the world stage in the short-run - nothing less. 

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