you guys don't think the earned BEST team in this past season's futzball playoffs should have that honor?
I cannot imagine why......
That would ALMOST be as bad as letting the SEC do it..
As for Ukraine, well, this is not going to end well eventually for someone..
What I do not want to happen is for US to get involved in yet another conflict (remember Vietnam) that is NOT between US and Russia and have a bunch of American soldiers injured or killed for something that is likely going to happen in time anyway.
WHY does UKRAINE not have sufficient military strength to fend off Russian aggression? WHY are we as a nation giving away so much military supplies to them? Are we gonna get them back?
It will cost the taxpayers tons of money to replace all that stuff.
Lastly, is it any of our BUSINESS ?
I don't think its right for Putin to do what he did, but you had to be a blind man to not see it coming.
WE are already trillions in debt. Stuff like this just adds to it and apparently the RARE EARTH minerals Ukraine has deposits of doesn't look like its being offered to us by them..
SO , the old tried and true phrase should be
SHOW ME THE MONEY and we'll be happy to send you some more munitions.
I'm getting a little worn out with Zelynski and at the same time I am glad I am not him..