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Re: GARBAGE! JD Vance Breaks Out ALL the Facts in Straight-Fire Post Owning SCOLD Shaming Trump Over Ukraine

By: micro in GRITZ | Recommend this post (0)
Fri, 21 Feb 25 6:56 PM | 12 view(s)
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Msg. 04441 of 04547
(This msg. is a reply to 04419 by ribit)

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Hopefully dat's true.

But I wouldn't count on it. I think "WE" (the U.S. and likely SOME of our NATO allies) have as good or better military equipment than the Rooskies.

Can we depend on the Rooskies NOT to hit the RED button iffen they think they are losing and going to get slammed?

That's the thing with them and the crazy egotist at the head.

Somehow what I have seen out of the offensive thrust from Russia has not rivaled the last time we saw them in real action against Germany when they finally had some leadership and began to make better weapons.

I don't know haw far Pootie Poot wants to chance having NATO enter that fray to push them OUT of Ukraine..

Is it worth it?

I have no clue but those mineral deposits in Ukraine sound interesting.

Maybe I am just getting older , not nearly as old as His Majesty mind you, but lets just say I am feeling this decade more than last one.

SO, are the saving of the those mineral fields worth saving Ukraine over?

Or is it more important to keep Ukraine as a buffer zone between Russia and the rest of countries like Poland for example.

Last dictator I remember trying to do a land grab was Hitler. That didn't turn out well. Wonder why Putin doesn't remember history. Hopefully he will eventually come to his senses.

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Re: GARBAGE! JD Vance Breaks Out ALL the Facts in Straight-Fire Post Owning SCOLD Shaming Trump Over Ukraine
By: ribit
Fri, 21 Feb 25 6:37 AM
Msg. 04419 of 04547

...if Russia's NUkes don't work any better than their conventional warfare materials we have nothing to fear.

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