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Millionaire Bernie Sanders Begs for $27 Donations to Fight Oligarchy and Get a Hot Meal at the Marriott

By: Beldin in GRITZ | Recommend this post (0)
Mon, 24 Feb 25 11:57 PM | 10 view(s)
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Millionaire Senator Bernie Sanders is asking for $27 donations to appear in hotel conference rooms and tiny theatres across America for his ‘Fighting Oligarchy’ tour. Since becoming a millionaire Sanders has shifted his socialist ire towards billionaires. Sanders is usually fuming at Elon Musk and others from his comfy spot in Congress or from one of his three homes. Sanders has released a video where he’s begging for money from struggling Americans.

Vince Langman (@LangmanVince) ~ Multi-millionaire Bernie Sanders released a video begging for donations, so he gets a free vacation traveling the country crying about President Trump and Elon Musk.
This is the state of the Democratic party today.
Video ~ http://twitter.com/i/status/1893623690580918702

Sanders could easily self-fund his jaunt across the states but there’s a flaw - he wouldn’t be able to separate young college kids from their parents’ money. Commenters say there are other reasons.

𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐠 (@WaywardGreg) ~ Why doesn’t he just sell one of his three houses to fund this endeavor?

Robert Kliemann (@robert_kliemann) ~ {Replying to @WaywardGreg} C’mon man, every good Socialist needs at least three houses.

Two Weeks LOL (@TwoWeeksLOL) ~ {Replying to @WaywardGreg} he needs all 3 of them to fight climate change and resist the oligarchy.

MikeLyonsofHere (@HereLyonsof) ~ {Replying to @WaywardGreg} Socialists never spend their own money; they spend everyone else’s.

Sisco (@KGibson10746) ~ {Replying to @WaywardGreg} Because he won’t dig into his own pockets. 😂 He wants the taxpayers to cart his bum around on our dime ... not going to happen. Bernie’s got millions ... he can finance his own whatever.

Even without his millions, Sanders still makes a hefty amount of cash being a Senator.

Da instigator (@davidfishhunt) ~ {Replying to @WaywardGreg} He doesn’t need to sell anything. He makes almost 200,000$ a year. He can easily afford some hotel rooms and airplane tickets.

Matt Van Swol (@matt_vanswol) ~ Funny ... I never saw him raising money for us in Western North Carolina.

GettingTrumpNow.com (@gettingtrumpnow) ~ {Replying to @matt_vanswol} Nor will you ever. They are marching him out there to retrieve college students they lost. All of their strategies are fossilized just like Bernie is.

Phiddi (@mrsmcbe) ~ {Replying to @matt_vanswol} Western North Carolina is not filled with socialists and communists; therefore, he has no interest in helping people who do not support his politics.

Sanders doesn’t care about those impacted by disasters unless the destruction can be directly connected to the Oligarchy. Sorry, suffering Americans. Remember, only you can fight the Oligarchy. But, it costs $27 to step into the ring.


The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted. ~ D.H. Lawrence

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