The Associated Press no longer has its long-held special privileges and the White House Correspondents Association no longer has monopolistic powers over who gets to attend and who gets to ask questions at pressers with the POTUS - and they are HOWLING & SCREAMING like scalded cats!
Poor lil' dears ... they only have their very own arrogance, bias, and hypocrisy to blame.

Brian Stelter Didn't Always Think It Was Wrong to Ask If a Media Outlet Should Be Barred From the WH
The White House Correspondents Association spoke out after the Trump press office announced that the Associated Press would no longer have a seat in the White House briefing room or on Air Force One. Supporters of the AP immediately wrapped themselves in the First Amendment, though we're still unable to find the "any media outlet that wants a seat in the WH briefing room can have one" part of the First Amendment.
Spoiler Alert: you didn't find it 'cuz it ain't there.
To further trigger the lib media, the White House now says they will control which outlets are allowed in the briefing room, not the WHCA:
The White House announced on Tuesday that the administration — not an independent group of journalists — will determine which outlets have access to the president as part of a pool allowed into the Oval Office, aboard Air Force One and into other meetings and events that cannot accommodate the full press corps.
The decision comes a day after the administration won a temporary ruling allowing it to bar the Associated Press from pooled events, in retaliation for the news wire’s decision to resist President Donald Trump’s demand that it rename the Gulf of Mexico as the Gulf of America.
Brian Stelter has been all over this story and highlighting how the Trump press office is breaking "decades of precedent" by selecting which media outlets to exclude from the White House:
Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) ~ "Donald Trump’s White House kicked a HuffPost reporter out of the pool of journalists set to follow the president on Wednesday, breaking with decades of precedent, and insisting they have the ability to pick and choose which reporters cover the president."
Awww, poor Tater is all breathless and distraught with manufactured angst about a Marxist propaganda outlet being left out in the cold at The White House.

Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) ~ A clear-cut headline here: "The White House is now deciding who can cover the president, reversing decades of precedent."
Speaking of "clear-cut headlines from CNN" ...
Stelter and select CNN panelists weren't always as receptive to that "precedent."
Here's a video via @mazemoore from about four years ago at the start of Biden's term proving that not all media outlets were considered protected by the aforementioned precedent. Watch:
MAZE (@mazemoore) ~ March, 2021. Brian Stelter does a segment on whether Fox reporters should be removed from the White House Press Pool.
"Should it be a part of the White House Press Pool ... should it be afforded the privileges that come with news gathering?"
This is CNN.
Video ~
OH MY, Tater ... your "concern" is VERY one-sided, isn't it?! You are so ridiculously obvious, you chump ... Marxist propagandists who think like you are oh-so-sacrosanct, but anyone who is not a member of your leftist cult is scum.

John Hawkins (@johnhawkinsrwn) ~ Is the White House press pool ideologically 50/50 or overwhelmingly liberal? The answer is "overwhelmingly liberal" with a few conservative outlets in place. If anything, the Trump admin needs to get rid of a lot more liberal outlets to even it up.
The legacy media has lost control and relevance and watching them come to that realization will drive them increasingly crazy in the coming weeks, months and years (if they manage to make it years).