I beg to differ with the article regarding freedom.
I know there are different variations of what we term loosely "freedoms" but every person born on earth has the innate ability to be "free".
"If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed."
The only way mankind, all of us, can truly be free is through the Grace of God. HE is the one who can give freedom of thought and control of eternal destiny.
"If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed." Author: Jesus Christ (GOD in the flesh)
Just saying. Don;t put a whole lot of stock in the stupid stuff of this life. It is short. Even a vapor
that is here for a short time and then disappears.
And the only reason this kind of stupid stuff happens and occurs is because GOD allows it to happen , for now.
It demonstrates the evil thoughts that permeate thru men's and women's hearts and minds.
I am not surprised by anything evil that happens anymore. Its par for the course. The ruler of this world at this is a lesser god than the only true and potentate GOD of all. We know him as Lucifer , Satan, and several other names whom GOD banished to this earth along with lots of fallen angels which we know as demons..
As predicted in the scripture the days are going to get worse as we head toward the end of the Laodicean age.
We won't be here, that is the ones who have Christ as Lord. They will be taken from the earth in the Rapture. But is culminating fast and the signs are all around..
Just saying there should not any surprises anymore.