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‘Comedian’ Kathy Griffin gets shocked and owned by a pro-Trump Moroccan guy…

By: De_Composed in GRITZ | Recommend this post (0)
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February 27, 2025

‘Comedian’ Kathy Griffin gets shocked and owned by a pro-Trump Moroccan guy…

by Revolver.news

Unfunny comedian Kathy Griffin is at it again—she’s reminding us why she went from drab, cringeworthy D-list comedian to full-blown TDS casualty. This time she’s retelling a story about the moment she slithered into a cab with a Moroccan taxi driver and, within seconds, apologized for President Trump.


Well, of course, what else would a narcissistic Hollywood liberal do, right? We should all be taking life advice from this wise, level-headed old woman holding Trump’s severed head in her hands:

Unfortunately for Kathy, the apology backfired when she learned the hard way that not everyone in the world shares her privileged, leftist political delusions.

Instead of the expected “resist” nod of agreement, the cab driver hit her with a brutal dose of reality, calling Trump the “greatest president you’ve ever had.” Imagine her horror. One of those “record-scratch” moments, if there ever was one. And as if that weren’t humiliating enough, the driver also reminded her that if she had pulled her anti-leader stunt in Morocco, she wouldn’t just be “canceled” on Twitter—she’d have her tongue cut out.


On a side note, can we get a GoFundMe started to send Kathy on a vacation to Morocco?

But seriously, this entire exchange is a masterclass in how completely detached these Hollywood elites are from reality. Griffin, like so many of her fellow celebrity elites, thinks it’s their duty as a privileged liberal to apologize on behalf of America to people who, quite frankly, aren’t looking for their empty virtue-signaling apologies. She assumes that a working-class Moroccan man would, of course, despise Trump just as much as she does. Because in Kathy’s elitist bubble, the rest of the world must share her outrage, right?

After all, how could any lowly peasant prioritize his own quality of life over a mentally ill person’s pronouns?

Griffin’s cab ride is just another embarrassing reminder of what happens when these celebrities’ step outside their carefully curated bubbles and come face to face with real opinions from real people.

This is the problem with these out-of-touch, self-absorbed entertainers. They’ve spent so much time in their Hollywood echo chambers that they genuinely believe their own propaganda. They’ve gotten high on their own supply. They love to pretend they understand the struggles of the “little guy,” but in reality, no one is more out of touch or insulated from real hardship than they are.


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