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Bill Gates Has a WEIRD Obsession With Cow Farts, and X Users Are Fed Up With His Eco B.S. 

By: Beldin in GRITZ | Recommend this post (2)
Fri, 28 Feb 25 8:54 PM | 14 view(s)
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Msg. 04758 of 05159
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In what world is Bill Gates qualified to speak about anything other than Microsoft?

Because he sure fancies himself an expert on things like vaccines and environmentalism, and he's got a weird obsession with eliminating cow farts:

Defiant L’s (@DefiantLs) ~ Bill Gates: "6% of global emissions are cows ... You can either fix the cows to stop them doing that, or you can make beef without the cow."
Video ~ http://twitter.com/i/status/1894537568177307822

"Fix the cows" so they stop farting?! Good grief, Bill ... you're obviously highly successful, but you're also a ridiculous dipsh!t.

Speaking of emissions, Bill ... when was the last time you went to see a dentist or even bothered to brush your teeth, eh? You opening your mouth probably generates at least another 6% of "global emissions." And, that doesn't even consider the massive pollution that occurs whenever Gerta Thunderpants opens her yap! 

The Judgmental Dog (@the_addressor) ~ Isn't the bigger concern the other 94%?

Right. So, 94% of emissions aren't from cows. Weird how his focus is on one of the healthiest, most nutrient-dense foods on the planet as opposed to, say, energy production in China or ocean waste off the coast of India.

iratus mater (@iratusmater) ~ Well then, I suppose I shall speak with my cows directly and request they stop farting, posthaste.

What about these heifers? 

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Bill has an infatuation with cow farts. 

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Better be careful, Bill ... ya don't wanna go too far and insult Buffaloes, too! 

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Johnny Reno (@JohnnyReno) ~ Can you imagine being one of the pioneers of the computer and internet age, but what you'll be remembered for in your old age is having a cow fart fetish?? 😳🙄🤦

Doug Powers (@ThePowersThatBe) ~ I'll go with the third option he didn't mention: Bill Gates f***s off.

bit(((maelstrom))) (@bitmaelstrom) ~ He's such an idiot. He's always been an idiot. On the other hand, he's also a bully and a mean-spirited pervert.


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