President Trump could have been a little more gracious to Zelenskyy ... I think he could have gone without the remark about the Ukrainian's attire when first greeting him ... BUT, I do not believe that Zelenskyy arrived with any real intention of signing the minerals deal. If Zelenskyy didn't want to sign the deal, he shouldn't have come to D.C. in the first place. Unfortunately, Zelenskyy is used to being the "Belle of the Ball" ... everyone treating him like a movie star and throwing BILLIONS & BILLIONS of dollars at him (some significant portion, of which, he has squirreled away for his own personal benefit and for that of his cronies) ... and his haughty attitude did not serve him well, today. Zelenskyy is accustomed to getting his way and does not know how to deal with people who want him to acknowledge reality and make some hard choices that don't involve pie-in-the-sky, punitive victory over Putin. I wouldn't like his reality, either, but he needs to do what is best for his people, which is to stop this war and get as much as he possibly can for a continuing, viable Ukraine. I think Trump is his best shot at making this happen ... 'cuz the Europeans sure do not represent a long-term solution ... unless Zelenskyy just wants to stretch out the conflict as long as possible, put as many additional Euros in his pocket as he can, and then sneak off in the middle of the night.

The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted. ~ D.H. Lawrence