yes, but pompous was more of what I was thinking. Perhaps both would be the best descriptor.
I wonder why this occasion was televised?
IMO, this should have been a behind doors meeting so when there are differences of opinion the whole world isn't going to know.
I am no fan of Vlad's but give him credit for being out there and not cowering or sniveling somewhere while his fellow citizens are getting shot and maimed and dead.
He's braver than most war leaders.
Diplomacy isn't something he is good at. He is not a polished politician but he speaks his mind even if it unpopular and sometimes that costs you.
I pizzed off Sears and Roebuck back in the early 80's and lost some major business. Oh well. In hindsight I felt it might have been best but I could easily have doubled our annual sales.
So stuff happens.
I think was a very poorly planned meeting that SHOULD have been PRIVATE in my opinion..
I'm embarrassed for Trump and the United States to treat another world leader under the conditions he has been in like that..