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Re: Zelensky pissing off Trump and Vance in the White House. 

By: micro in GRITZ | Recommend this post (2)
Sat, 01 Mar 25 1:25 AM | 18 view(s)
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Msg. 04792 of 05130
(This msg. is a reply to 04780 by monkeytrots)

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A wise person I once knew who was many years my senior once told me that reasonable people can disagree reasonably.. Leave the egos at the door.

I saw TWO ego maniacs on stage in the White House today.

Both are bull headed and ego maniacs.

I was surprised this session was done openly to the public. I do not believe it should have been.

I have been in many tense meetings in my lifetime with CEO's of Billion dollar corporations. Not once were they ugly. We did not always agree what we did manage to find something that would be satisfactory to each of our interests.

I saw TWO people today who both have huge egos and one holds a bigger club than the other but wants something the other guy has. But it has to be on his terms only..

I am NO FAN of Zelinsky and never have been.

This should NEVER have been a public affair with television cameras and lots of people there to feed the egos of ego maniacs already.

I was embarrassed as a citizen for this country.

I could have easily done better than Trump. The result would likely be the same but at least we don't embarrass heads of state of other nations.

I think Trump was looking for a fight personally.. He's more than a little quick on the temper trigger.

Sure, Zelensky is and can be a prick at times but ya know that before time. RISE above it.. Don't sink to that same level. Show some character. And maturity. ACT like you've seen this before.

When you have the final word and say why would you act like a bully in third grade? You have the final control of anything that would take place.

That circus today could have and should have not happened.

AND, it should have not have been a media circus event either... That just fed Trump's ego and he could not look like a weakling on t.v. or just be gracious.

So, it was messed up all the way around and our President acted like a third grade bully.

That is what I saw today..

I like a lot of things Trump does and thinks but today was not one of them...

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Re: Zelensky pissing off Trump and Vance in the White House.
By: monkeytrots
Fri, 28 Feb 25 11:12 PM
Msg. 04780 of 05130

Micro, I disagree with you and ribit 1,000% on this.

It was not an embarrassment at all - it was an extremely effective, and very much needed PUBLIC EXPOSURE of a two-bit ASSHOLE who continues to have hundreds of thousands of HIS OWN PEOPLE killed and will not NEGOTIATE in any semblance of 'good faith'.

THANK YOU, PRESIDENT TRUMP, for publicly exposing this arrogant asshole TO THE ENTIRE WORLD.

Zelensky fully deserved this very public humiliation - he humiliated himself before the entire world.

The liberal media has hidden his ugly side from the U.S. for far too long.

It was time for somebody to pull him out from behind mama's skirts and expose him for what he is.

An arrogant self centered egotistical titty sucker.. enriching himself and his cronies at EXTREME cost to even his own people.

He has no desire whatsoever to negotiate.

AND he just proved it to the ENTIRE WORLD.

Congratulations, President Trump and Vice President J.D. Vance. Masterful, and the only way it could be done.

IN PUBLIC, not hiding behind closed doors where nobody could see what was REALLY going on.

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