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Re: Zelensky pissing off Trump and Vance in the White House. 

By: monkeytrots in GRITZ | Recommend this post (1)
Sat, 01 Mar 25 2:01 AM | 15 view(s)
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Msg. 04796 of 05159
(This msg. is a reply to 04792 by micro)

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Micro, I have also been in meetings with the 'upper echelon' - CEO, COO, VPs of Exploration, Board of Directors, etc - of Mobil Oil Corporation. There was to be 'joint presentation' of my work and another district's geoscientists about a particular upcoming lease sale. Long story short - What I was presenting showed that an upcoming lease was worth over $100 million, and the 'other district' work had already resulted in partnership negotiations where their side had withdrawn at a $35 million dollar level, thus legally preventing Mobil from any further bidding action on that block above that level. I presented first. The other side got up, and were immediately told: 'Sit Down. We don't want to see any more (from your district).' That was pretty damn firm, and ugly to TWO other Exploration districts that had been involved in the 'other side'.

Yeah, it cost me. My manager had told me to only get familiar with the prior work and present that. I looked at it, and told him point blank, in private, that it would go for over 100 million. He was incredulous, and disbelieving. He undermined me from that day forward. He left Mobil a year later.

That is in response to your statement:"I have been in many tense meetings in my lifetime with CEO's of Billion dollar corporations. Not once were they ugly."

The lease went for $152 million - at the time more than 50% HIGHER THAN ANY GULF OF MEXICO lease, in history @94 million. The 152 million lease was 'Sabine Pass Block 9 - Federal Waters'.


You need to review what REALLY happened. John Nolte did an excellent job of covering what happened.

Zelensky started out RUDE and DISRESPECTFUL because he thought he could humiliate OUR PRESIDENT and VICE PRESIDENT in PUBLIC.


That is the long and short of it.

... Nolte:
First, Zelensky arrives at the White House dressed like a tiny Ninja. Then, in front of the American media in the Oval Office with President Trump and Vice President Vance sitting right there, he challenges Vance to explain how diplomacy would be possible today when when American diplomacy failed under former President Obama in 2014.

“What kind of diplomacy, JD, are you speaking about?” the Tiny Ninja sarcastically asked like a wiseass. “What do you mean?”

My mouth literally swung open. First off, when you are in a public forum, you do not address the Vice President by his first name, especially after you show up without a tie. Secondly, you don’t disrespect the President and Vice President with your stupid talking points. That’s true whether you are in public or private.



Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good ...

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Re: Zelensky pissing off Trump and Vance in the White House.
By: micro
Sat, 01 Mar 25 1:25 AM
Msg. 04792 of 05159


A wise person I once knew who was many years my senior once told me that reasonable people can disagree reasonably.. Leave the egos at the door.

I saw TWO ego maniacs on stage in the White House today.

Both are bull headed and ego maniacs.

I was surprised this session was done openly to the public. I do not believe it should have been.

I have been in many tense meetings in my lifetime with CEO's of Billion dollar corporations. Not once were they ugly. We did not always agree what we did manage to find something that would be satisfactory to each of our interests.

I saw TWO people today who both have huge egos and one holds a bigger club than the other but wants something the other guy has. But it has to be on his terms only..

I am NO FAN of Zelinsky and never have been.

This should NEVER have been a public affair with television cameras and lots of people there to feed the egos of ego maniacs already.

I was embarrassed as a citizen for this country.

I could have easily done better than Trump. The result would likely be the same but at least we don't embarrass heads of state of other nations.

I think Trump was looking for a fight personally.. He's more than a little quick on the temper trigger.

Sure, Zelensky is and can be a prick at times but ya know that before time. RISE above it.. Don't sink to that same level. Show some character. And maturity. ACT like you've seen this before.

When you have the final word and say why would you act like a bully in third grade? You have the final control of anything that would take place.

That circus today could have and should have not happened.

AND, it should have not have been a media circus event either... That just fed Trump's ego and he could not look like a weakling on t.v. or just be gracious.

So, it was messed up all the way around and our President acted like a third grade bully.

That is what I saw today..

I like a lot of things Trump does and thinks but today was not one of them...

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