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Re: Scott Jennings: Zelenskyy Failed to Take Off His Military Uniform and Put on the One of Diplomacy 

By: ribit in GRITZ | Recommend this post (1)
Sun, 02 Mar 25 1:11 AM | 9 view(s)
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Msg. 04855 of 05119
(This msg. is a reply to 04849 by Beldin)

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...for a King, I am not a very Political animal. Most of this stuff just goes over my head. It is all I can do to manage The Kingdom of Toadsuck. We haven't had a war in ages unless you count that skirmish with Gadzooks Alabama.


Liberals are like a "Slinky". Totally useless, but somehow ya can't help but smile when you see one tumble down a flight of stairs!

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Re: Scott Jennings: Zelenskyy Failed to Take Off His Military Uniform and Put on the One of Diplomacy
By: Beldin
Sat, 01 Mar 25 11:31 PM
Msg. 04849 of 05119

Heh heh heh heh heh.

Well, yer majesty ... I don't think Zelenskyy's cardinal sin was being "tacky" ... and I don't think he necessarily even had to make a big show of being grateful ... BUT, he did previously give verbal agreement to the deal, supposedly traveled to D.C. to sign it, and then very publicly and stridently gave every indication that he was NOT going to sign it. Leading everyone on and then blowing it up in front of the cameras was a highly unnecessary affront. If he wanted to renegotiate some of the terms, he should have done that beforehand during the negotiations stage, and if not then, he should have at least broached the subject with Trump in private. Hey, if Zelenskyy doesn't like the deal ... fine ... then be up front, say "no thanks" if he can't get what he wants, and walk away. This had all the markers of a petulant man who intentionally wanted to create a contentious, public spectacle. 

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