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Re: Scott Jennings: Zelenskyy Failed to Take Off His Military Uniform and Put on the One of Diplomacy

By: micro in GRITZ | Recommend this post (0)
Sun, 02 Mar 25 11:41 PM | 10 view(s)
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Msg. 04916 of 05153
(This msg. is a reply to 04902 by Beldin)

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Sir Wizard,

the GREAT NEWS is that NOTHING that happens on earth goes unnoticed nor unheard.

There are recordings of one's entire lifetime including your thoughts in ALL of your books that are kept in Heaven about you. (all of us)

Noting we think, say, or do goes unnoticed nor non-recorded. Records are kept of every thought and word we say or think..

Thank the Lord for HIS GRACE and Mercy that if ask HIS forgiveness of or sins, HE is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us that we may appear righteous thru the blood of Christ unto GOD .

There records kept in Heaven and Seven Books.

We'll see a replay of our lives and a recounting of the sins we have committed that have NOT been cleansed and washed away permanently by the Blood of The Lamb.

So we will ALL be ashamed when we stand before HIM.

I am so glad that CHRIST paid the penalty for MY Sins and transgressions.. I'd be in deep trouble if HE did not.

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Re: Scott Jennings: Zelenskyy Failed to Take Off His Military Uniform and Put on the One of Diplomacy
By: Beldin
Sun, 02 Mar 25 7:58 PM
Msg. 04902 of 05153

True. If I was God, there'd be a whole lotta blood in the streets, I'm afraid. So, PRAISE BE TO THE GOOD LORD ABOVE that I'm not God. 

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