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Re: Zelensky says, f*ck Trump 

By: ribit in GRITZ | Recommend this post (3)
Wed, 05 Mar 25 12:37 AM | 12 view(s)
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Msg. 05050 of 05086
(This msg. is a reply to 05044 by micro)

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I would not want to have been born there. How grateful I am that I was born in the United States. That is a privilege many would like who were not that fortunate or blessed. For whatever reason GOD had me born here in The USA in Cincinnati,Ohio. 

...well ya wuz borned norf of da mason dixon line so he musta been pissed at ya about sumpin.


Liberals are like a "Slinky". Totally useless, but somehow ya can't help but smile when you see one tumble down a flight of stairs!

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Re: Zelensky says, f*ck Trump
By: micro
Tue, 04 Mar 25 6:57 PM
Msg. 05044 of 05086


No Rooskie lovers here I hope!

The common people there I doubt are like the "party" Dictators.

I would not want to have been born there. How grateful I am that I was born in the United States. That is a privilege many would like who were not that fortunate or blessed. For whatever reason GOD had me born here in The USA in Cincinnati,Ohio.

I don't live in Cincy now but am about 30 miles due east near the I-275 beltway.

Its a privilege to be a U.S. Citizen and American!

And FREEDOM does not come freely. It is a privilege and it costs lives to fight for and defend.

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