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Re: Speaking of feeble Democrat protests at Trump's speech, tonight ...

By: ribit in GRITZ | Recommend this post (0)
Wed, 05 Mar 25 12:46 AM | 11 view(s)
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Msg. 05055 of 05087
(This msg. is a reply to 05049 by Beldin)

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Democrat Congresswomen to Wear Pink, a Color of Power and Protest, to Trump's Speech 

...is that the color of the robes jesus was wearing in the garden of Gethesemane?


Liberals are like a "Slinky". Totally useless, but somehow ya can't help but smile when you see one tumble down a flight of stairs!

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Speaking of feeble Democrat protests at Trump's speech, tonight ...
By: Beldin
Wed, 05 Mar 25 12:14 AM
Msg. 05049 of 05087

TIME Magazine: Democrat Congresswomen to Wear Pink, a Color of Power and Protest, to Trump's Speech


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TIME (@TIME) ~ EXCLUSIVE: Dozens of Democratic congresswomen plan to wear pink to Trump’s joint address to Congress, TIME has learned.
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TIME reports:

Dozens of Democratic congresswomen are planning to wear pink to President Donald Trump’s Joint Address to Congress on Tuesday night as part of a coordinated protest against the President’s policies.

New Mexico Rep. Teresa Leger Fernández, who chairs the Democratic Women’s Caucus, confirmed exclusively to TIME on Monday that the pink attire is meant to “signal our protest of Trump's policies which are negatively impacting women and families.”

“Pink is a color of power and protest,” she says in an interview. “It’s time to rev up the opposition and come at Trump loud and clear.”

Wearing pink for women's rights? That sounds like gender stereotyping.

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It's time to rev up the opposition by coordinating our outfits. That'll make a difference.

As opposed to wearing white to last year's State of the Union address in support of late-term abortion, "this year, the group is opting for a new strategy, choosing pink to reflect a shift in tone as they address what they see as a critical moment in American politics," TIME reports.

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Sen. Mike Lee with the reality check:

Mike Lee (@SenMikeLee) ~ When you see Democrats wearing pink for the TV cameras tonight, remember that 45 of them voted for men to invade women’s sports just yesterday. It’s all an act.

Senate Democrats voted on party lines Monday night not to advance a bill that would ban men from playing on girls' teams at federally funded educational institutions. That sounds like it would have a negative impact on women.

JWF (@JammieWF) ~ They all voted to let men beat up women.

Ohms13 (@ohms133) ~ The irony of Dems, who vote against protecting female athletes, wearing pink ...

Jason Sesler (@jmsesler) ~ Pink? To support men in women's sports? No wonder this party has a 21% approval rating.

StateOfTheDebate (@StateOTDebate) ~ Nothing says "serious leadership" like a dress code stunt.

Seriously, though ... doesn't wearing pink to represent girls support the idea of a gender binary? Pink for girls and blue for boys? They should be wearing trans flags.

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