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Heh heh heh ... Stephen A. Smith literally COOKS Joy Behar on "The View"

By: Beldin in GRITZ | Recommend this post (0)
Wed, 05 Mar 25 12:50 AM | 10 view(s)
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I'm not a fan of ESPN sports commentator Stephen A. Smith because he tends to be overbearing and bloviates a lot about everything BUT sports. And since he is no supporter of Trump and likes to harp on his perception of racism, the harpies at "The View" must of thought he was a "safe" guest to have on their pity party of a show. Let's just say, it didn't turn out like they hoped ... 

Thomas Hern (@ThomasMHern) ~ Joy Behar did not like Stephen A. Smith's answer to this question on The View.

"He won every swing state. He increased in terms of his voter turnout in his favor from the standpoint of Blacks, Latinos and young voters. 89% of the counties shifted to the right. That’s a mandate!"
Video ~ http://twitter.com/i/status/1896968729185149340

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BOB A. (@0405lake) ~ Damn, I am no Stephen A. Smith fan, but he shut down Behar and brought the receipts!!!

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"The View" harpies got burned so badly, they felt the desperate need to bring on mental pygmy Karine Jean-Pierre, afterwards, to slather on the salve of delusional fantasy and outright lies.


Stephen A. Smith Schools Joy Behar on President Trump's Mandate


The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted. ~ D.H. Lawrence

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