Democrats have painted themselves into a corner, and it's simply a spectacular spectacle to behold. They so despise Trump and everything he stands for that they are now defending war, which is just crazy; we thought it was the EVIL REPUBLICANS who were the party of war.
Nah, historically speaking ...
Start of World War I - Woodrow Wilson (D)
Start of World War II - Franklin D. Roosevelt (D)
Start of Korean War - Harry S. Truman (D)
Start of Vietnam War - Dwight D. Eisenhower (R) sent a few military advisors in the 50s, John F. Kennedy (D) sent a few hundred Special Forces troops in the early 60s, and Lyndon B. Johnson (D) committed hundreds of thousands of troops starting in 1965
Start of First Iraq War - George H. W. Bush (R)
Start of Afghanistan War & Second Iraq War - George W. Bush (R)
Start of Appeasement for Russia's First Invasion of Ukraine - Barack Obama (D)
Start of Appeasement for Russia's Second Invasion of Ukraine - Joseph Biden (D)
So, no ... the "Party of War" is the Democrat Party with an assist from the Bush Family.
It's interesting how things change when politicians care more about dunking on one another and winning another election than they do about actually taking care of Americans.
Welp, Democrats FINALLY got Trump this time! The walls are literally closing in! REEEEEE!

Except, you know, they're not.
Anyway ... look at this first:
The Democrats (@TheDemocrats) ~ Trump is ordering 30,000 eggs for his Easter egg roll. Grocery stores are literally rationing eggs right now.
Do they really think Trump uses real eggs for the Easter egg roll?
How damn dumb are these people? You know what, don't answer that.
Maxwell Paddock (@MaxwellPaddock1) ~ {Replying to @TheDemocrats} This is hilariously stupid. Don’t they use plastic eggs?
Jessa G. (@SweetGaelicGirl) ~ {Replying to @TheDemocrats} I don't even know what to say to this stupid-post-of-the-day winner. 🙄
1) Biden killed millions of chickens.
2) WH uses plastic eggs.
You'd know this if Hogg Boy wasn't running things.
You know, the mouth-breather intern who wrote this post really thought they had something here. As we've said over and over again, Democrats are just completely lost. They don't know what to support or oppose; all they know is they hate Trump.
And apparently, they REALLY care about eggs now that Biden is out of office.
𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐠 (@WaywardGreg) ~ {Replying to @TheDemocrats} I have yet to find one store “rationing eggs.”
Same. And we did actually search.
What a bizarre dig, not to mention a complete lie.
Heather B (@BoulwareH2) ~ {Replying to @TheDemocrats}
1) The WH uses plastic eggs for the Easter egg roll. No one is putting thousands of real hard boiled eggs outside in the sun for hours.
2) No grocery stores are rationing eggs.
Y’all are so freaking dumb it’s painful.
Painful and yet so damn hilarious.

The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted. ~ D.H. Lawrence