Judge Alito is correct in his dissenting opinion.
HOWEVER - there currently is no 'order to pay' from ANY lower court in effect. Yes, it was attempted through the devious routed of a 'temporary injunction' which has now expired, and which had been blocked by ROBERT's solely (ie. wo the rest of SCOTUS) stay on the INJUNCTION.
That is what was before the court, THE STAY, not an order to pay. The stay was vacated.
Alito, quite rightly, is frustrated the SCOTUS has refused to decide the underlying issue CURRENTLY. That issue will probably come up very soon (an UNCONSTITUTIONAL ORDER TO PAY WITHOUT EXECUTIVE REVIED OF POTENTIAL FRAUD) very soon through normal (not emergency) appeals processes.
Yes, I as well as ALITO wish that the underlying issue were ON THE TABLE now.
It was not - due to the SCOTUS as a whole refusing to take up the issue directly, in a pre-emptive limiting of lower court powers.
CONGRESS CAN DO SO HOWEVER by CONSTITUTIONALLY (limiting of lower court powers) by limiting the power of lower court judges through a simple legislative bill. For which they DO have the numbers, if the RINO's don't torpedo it.

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good ...