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Re: The Measles: 1969 -vs- Today 

By: Zimbler0 in GRITZ | Recommend this post (2)
Thu, 06 Mar 25 1:25 AM | 15 view(s)
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Msg. 05103 of 05123
(This msg. is a reply to 05094 by monkeytrots)

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MT > It is almost entirely due to RAMPANT 'all vaccines are extremely dangerous' hyperbole - ie. FEAR MONGERING coupled with intense ignorance of many parents today.

Well Professor,
I'm old enough and experienced enough to recognize the need for childhood vaccinations against various diseases.

At the same time, I KNOW that 'they' was pushing a 'vaccine' that, it turns out, is more dangerous to those who 'got the jab' than the disease would have been.

We also, apparently, have a 'health care organization' that was NOT actually practicing medicine - instead of identifying and making good use of relatively cheap drugs to combat the covid . . . 'they' was denying the use of promising - and since proven to be life saving - drugs.

It seems we have an 'American Medical Association' that prizes DEI and 'equitable health care' over simply providing the best health care practices to everybody.

Fear Mongering? Or 'I don't trust this so-called DEI doctor to do what is best for my kid'.

It is a mess.

But it is a mess created by so-called 'medical professionals'.



Mad Poet Strikes Again.

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Re: The Measles: 1969 -vs- Today
By: monkeytrots
Wed, 05 Mar 25 10:32 PM
Msg. 05094 of 05123

Contrary to the Brady Bunches portrayal of measles as a fairly trivial 'disease', it is in fact quite a nasty one. Can cause death, blindness, birth defects, and severe permanent neurological problems.

The MAIN cause of the current outbreak(s) is that a HUGE preponderance of GEN Z'rs are NOT VACINATING their children anymore ... against ANYTHING ... including polio because they are ignorant. That info comes straight from MY health provider yesterday.

It is NOT due to immigrants (some problem there) and NOT due to a live virus vaccine (severely weakened strain).

It is almost entirely due to RAMPANT 'all vaccines are extremely dangerous' hyperbole - ie. FEAR MONGERING coupled with intense ignorance of many parents today.

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