According to Adweek, “Looking at its year-to-year performance, MSNBC was down -16% in total viewers and -9% in the demo during primetime. During the total day, it was down -25% in total viewers and -21% in the demo relative to 2024.” Granted, it is up from last month, but I wouldn’t bet on that holding after last night's self-implosion.
This is not surprising given how they put all the eggs in the anti-Trump basket. They were lapdogs on everything from the great Russian collusion hoax to the one-sided Liz Cheney J6 show trial. And are they still lighting candles to the sainted Volodymyr Zelenskyy as a military savior? Fine, you are a press release machine for the Left. That is your niche.
But Nicolle Wallace, while talking to Rachel Maddow, crossed so far into the ghoul zone during President Trump’s address to Congress that she may never get out. Her comments make crazy Al Green’s expulsion from the audience last night seem like the normal garden variety nuttiness one expects from congressional hacks.
Last night, these gals sank their teeth into a 13-year-old boy, Devarjaye “DJ” Daniel. He made the mistake of being honored by President Trump after recovering from a brain tumor and multiple surgeries. You know, the young man who always wanted to be a police officer. The young man who made grown men cry and women weep when he was enrolled as an honorary Secret Service Agent and then gave the agent enrolling him a big hug.
Well, so much for that person of color. And don't let your lying eyes linger on that great big proud dad with his du-rag and white cowboy hat — the one who lifted his son so high in the air that he could see everyone, and they could see him as the president honored him.
Wallace, in her twisted way, managed to tie this human interest story into January 6, seditious conspiracy, and police suicides. Donald Trump is the undying villain in her fantasy world. Poor DJ was only 9 years old back then, so yes, it is sick out there and getting sicker. And Wallace is the poster girl for this.
Here are her words about DJ and his aspiration to be a police officer: "I hope he has a long life as a law enforcement officer, but I hope he never has to defend the United States and Capitol against Donald Trump's supporters. And if he does, I hope he isn't one of the six who loses his life to suicide. And I hope he isn't one who has to testify against the people who carried out acts of seditious conspiracy and then lives to see Donald Trump pardon those people."
This is a classic example of the heartless Washington media ghoul at work. She is challenging her audience to suppress their human emotions. She is reminding them to be clear-sighted and remember that their human compassion might mislead them into thinking even one good thought about the pure evil that is Donald Trump. These emotions need to be nipped in the bud in order to prevail politically.
This is the point where a normal person begins to back away towards the door so they can make a quick exit from an ideological ghoul.
And Maddow doubled down on the nuttiness, saying, "For the record, and this is disgusting. The president made a spectacle out of praising a young man who survived pediatric cancer as if the president had something to do with that... which was in the midst of him praising DOGE. DOGE cuts, among things, have cut off funding for ongoing research into pediatric cancer." Thanks for telling us how "disgusting" this was, hard-hearted Hannah. And thanks for implying that President Trump is somehow giving cancer to children.
Here is the best rebuttal to all this nonsense. Here is the love, gratitude, and eloquence of this amazingly composed young man. It blows up Wallace and Maddow's fantasy line. Yes, his thanks for President Trump is touching.
Thank goodness that Wallace describes herself as “a self-loathing former Republican.” The Democrats can have her if they dare. A legal advocate for same-sex marriage, Wallace is a decade or more past child-bearing years. She now has a non-handicapped two-year-old daughter, thanks to surrogacy. Oh, mommy dearest, mommy dearest. I hope she rethinks her attempt to marginalize DJ and his story.
In the media, we get the cold-hearted public figures we deserve. With leadership like this, the staff at MSNBC might want to review their resumes and be prepared to abandon a sinking ship. The only good news for them is that CNN has even worse ratings. Who will sink first?
President Trump's speech to a joint session of Congress has radical Democrats in panic mode, and their childish protests won't stop all of the winning.
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