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Re: The Weather

By: ribit in GRITZ | Recommend this post (0)
Thu, 06 Mar 25 4:59 PM | 6 view(s)
Boardmark this board | Grits Breakfast of Champeens!
Msg. 05125 of 05136
(This msg. is a reply to 05120 by De_Composed)

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...tell mz decomp to get dog food and sammich fixins while after walking to the store. Tell her that you will take care of the dog while she's gone.



Liberals are like a "Slinky". Totally useless, but somehow ya can't help but smile when you see one tumble down a flight of stairs!

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Re: The Weather
By: De_Composed
Thu, 06 Mar 25 1:33 PM
Msg. 05120 of 05136

Re: “Have I mentioned that we are snowed in?”My wife - who is far better with dates than I - says that the last time we took the car out was the 12th. That's three weeks and one day since we were snowed in.

Today marks the third and final day of a warm spell with temps in the mid 40s even at night. A lot of the snow melted. Last night's heavy rain melted even more - though the "Little Mt. Everest" I made in our back yard remains, perhaps more properly renamed as "Little Mt. McKinley."

From indoors, it appears that the driveway is passable. We'll give it a go. We're low on a number of things (vegetables, eggs, milk, dog food) and need to pick up our mail. More cold is coming (18° tonight), so it could be our only chance until next week.

It was a learning opportunity in some ways: Getting low on dog food was inexcusable - we should have had a spare 40 lb bag on hand. I'll never again schedule a doctor's appointment for January, February or even early March. And none of this would have happened if we'd parked the car at the bottom of the driveway when that first storm came in. We won't make those mistakes again. I'd like to think that we'd have been fine even if this had happened in December, but the truth is that it wouldn't have been easy. What if we'd had a power outage? We'd already learned that our unseasoned firewood didn't burn (we'll have two wood piles from now on, one a year older than the other), so we got lucky. With electricity and a full oil tank, firewood was not a necessity.

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